
Dr. Mohamed Adil

Deputy Vice Rector - Research and Innovation, Villa College

Dr. Mohamed Adil holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Sheffield (UK) and specializes in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis focusing on Public Sector Procurement decision making. He also holds MSc in IT Management from the University Technology Malaysia; and Bachelor of Arts in Accounting & Finance Management and Computer Science from the University of South Pacific (Fiji).

Dr Adil started his career in education sector in 1996 as a Headmaster and Principal in a number of schools in the Maldives. Dr Adil then joined Villa College at its inception in 2007 as a lecturer and now the Deputy Vice Rector - Research and Innovation.

Dr Adil received Maldives National Award twice; in 2007 and in 2016 for achieving academic excellence in his domain of knowledge. Dr Adil has published papers in academic journals and conferences. He has also presented conference papers and participated as a panelist in different conferences.

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